To get starting on Wod 1 was scary to me becasue I was unsure of where to begin. Completing under or within the time frame was giving me major anxiety, I didn’t realize the time needed to really get it done aswell as needing to lock in and push through. What evntually worked for me despite the instructions saying was to watch the video first then opening all files as a starting point. It was hard just setting up a server to view the thing, I eventually had to relearn what the differnece with ../server and ./server was. I also turned on autosave, made sure it was in bash[terminal] and when cd the directory going one at a time. Ex. i type cd Wods, then cd BrowserHistory1 then ls to list whats in it. I didn’t realize that cd only cds folders not files. I eventually completed the first Wod in time but not without some frustration. In the second Wod it was easier but I had disabled my server on my first wod, or so I thought. I am still unsure of how to disable it or if I am not starting it at all but nevertheless i opended the html from the file location on my pc and continued with the wod. In learning cs I watched videos on what it was. Aswell as asking chatgpt to explain and give me examples . In the 3rd Wod was perhaps the 2nd most frustrating being as I did not know what DIV and CLASS and that you need to put UL before LS in the html file. I am still unsure as it may just be becasue the video , the proffesor was using a differnt application than VS code. Out of 10, the understanding I have from this chapter would be a 7. I can definetly learn more , it all comes down to repition and explanations as to what changes what specifically.